Yndicio 8

23 5 It must start from an irrefutable diagnosis: “the worrying theoretical and methodolo- gical weakness increasingly evident in the production of social scientists, especially, but not exclusively, in the younger generations, which is expressed in incoherent re- search projects, in formulations inaccurate and in an irritating argumentative disorder” (Boron, 2005). Summary How to generalize from partial objects? In retrospect: how to organize the information search? The question that centers this article is: What role does theory and information play in any administrative research process? Raising research problems, identifying variables, configuring and managing data in Latin American Social Sciences -and specifically in Organizational Management- has not been an easy task, especially since most research has focused on case studies with difficulties for generalizations. 5 There are countless partial research objects, lots of information, lots of data. In this article we deepen me- thodological aspects far from mere prescriptive recipes, and try to un- derstand how scientific knowledge is produced in the field of research. The present work complements the theoretical methodologi- cal statements with examples of our own experiences as researchers in the process of preparing the doctoral thesis in organizational administration. KEYWORDS: administration, management, doctoral research, theories, methods, information, data. Víctor Manuel Romero-Medina/ Fernando Leibowich Beker ndicio Y