Carlos Alejandro López Vásquez | Y ndicio R E V I S T A D E D I V U L G A C I Ó N I N T E R N A C I O N A L 11 Abstract The article presents a study about the impact of organi- zational behavior in public management, starting from the theories of organizational behavior and complex thinking, whose purpose is to show how these topics impact on the adoption of public policies in the Public Management of Public Administration of Honduras, thereby generating a bureaucratic labor justice, this worldview being the central axis of the investigation; concatenating different Administrative Theories such as Systems, Organizational Behavior and its connec- tion with Complex Thought; selecting an extensive bibliography, as well as interviewing experts and surveying users linked to the management processes in that area, correlating the different variables with optimal levels of confidence and, thus, focusing on the development of new knowledge through a Model of Public Management, endowed with efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and linkage of modern theories, reinforced through complex thinking and TRIZ Model, thus allowing an optimal evaluation in obtaining results. Carlos Alejandro López Vásquez Abogado, Máster en Derecho Pro- cesal Civil, Especialista en Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos. Profesor Titular de la Carrera de Derecho de la Univer- sidad Tecnológica de Honduras; Inspector de Tribunales de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Honduras, Centroamérica.