Yndicio 6

Summary How to generalize from partial objects? In retrospect: how to organize the information search? The question that centers this article is: What role does theory and information play in any admi- nistrative research process? Raising research problems, identifying variables, configuring and ma- naging data in Latin American Social Sciences -and specifically in Organizational Management- has not been an easy task, especially since most research has focused on case studies with difficulties for generalizations. There are countless partial research objects, lots of information, lots of data. In this article we deepen methodological aspects far from mere prescriptive recipes, and try to understand how scientific knowledge is produced in the field of research. The present work complements the theoretical methodological statements with examples of our own experiences as researchers in the process of preparing the doctoral thesis in organizational administration. Keywords: administration, management, doctoral research, theories, methods, information, data. VÍCTOR MANUEL ROMERO-MEDINA-FERNANDO LEIBOWICH BEKER | Y ndicio