International Student Guide

CULTURAL WORKSHOPS: The UNINTER Cultural Diffusion Coordination offers students and the interested public the possibility of belonging to one of the cultural and artistic workshops of the University. Join and be part of the International Community through Culture and Art! The artistic and cultural workshops provided by the Cultural Diffusion Coordination are: Cheerleaders Guitar Saxophone and Clarinet Cheer Dance Drawing Fiddle Percussions Chorus Philharmonic Theater Guitar Origami Cello Chess Flute Coordination of Cultural Diffusion and Representative Programs (Building 12) Lic. Luz Elena Gálvez Quiroz Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm 777 357 9150 ext. 303 Saturday: 10am – 2pm SPORTS WORKSHOPS: The Sports Coordination is the area in charge of physically and mentally preparing students for sports competitions at the regional, state, national and international level under the supervision and advice of specialized coaches. The Sports Coordination has agreements with different sports centers for your best performance. The sports we offer are: American football team Women's Soccer Men's Soccer Box Volleyball Taekwondo Sports Coordination Emmanuel Montes de Oca Herrera Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. 317 1087 ext. 217 Saturday: 10am – 2pm 10