International Student Guide

EVALUATION SYSTEM Grading system is 1-10. On the first day of classes, the professor will give you a framework and a schedule where you can review each of the topics you will see during the semester. Likewise, he will announce his way of evaluating both for the midterm and ordinary exams. Throughout your semester at UNINTER you must take 3 partial exams (one each month) and an ordinary exam (at the end of the semester). You have the first and second week of classes to make modifications to your class schedule. IMPORTANT THE MINIMUM APPROVING GRADE IS 7. TO HAVE THE RIGHT TO TAKE THE ORDINARY EXAM AND OBTAIN YOUR FINAL GRADE, YOU MUST HAVE 80% ATTENDANCE IN EACH OF YOUR CLASSES. ACADEMIC CALENDAR SPRING SEMESTER 2024 Semester duration: From January 22 to May 31 Ordinary exam period: From May 27 to 31 Spring break: From March 25 to April 7 Summer Vacation: From June 1 to August 18 Non-working days: February 5/March 18/May 1 FALL SEMESTER 2024 Semester duration: From August 19 to December 13 Ordinary exam period: From December 9 to 13 Winter Break: From December 14, 2024 to January 13, 2025 Non-working days: November 2 and 18 11