International Student Guide

DIGITAL PLATFORMS UNINTER uses a hybrid method that allows students to take classes online and in person. UninterVirtual: It is a platform where you can find your classes, assignments, links to online classes and their recordings. You will be provided with your username and password. SEL: On this platform you can check your grades and absences INTERNATIONALIZATION If you need support with any questions you have regarding your exchange, you can find the answer in the Internationalization Department since this department is in charge of guiding you throughout your stay at UNINTER. LOCATION: Office 4-104 SCHEDULE: Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm CONTACT: Tel: +52 1 (777) 317 10 87 ext. 210 Director: Claudia Lorena Murillo Cerón Exchange Coordinator: Fabiola Fabian Villanueva FACEBOOK: Uninter Internationalization CLUB AMIGO: The Club Amigo Program helps you create connections with students of other nationalities to learn about other cultures and learn or improve a language. These connections are possible thanks to the different activities that are carried out throughout the semester and where Mexican students are assigned with foreigners to interact and create new networks of friends; always in an environment of respect and tolerance towards the other person and their customs and beliefs. 12