International Student Guide

LIFE IN CUERNAVACA CULTURE Mexico is a country that has enormous cultural diversity, and is full of traditions and customs, which you must take into account when living in Mexico. Remember that “Wherever you go, do what you see.” Mexicans have the custom of greeting by shaking hands. A woman is given a small kiss on the cheek, and if it is a man, she is given a small hug. Mexicans are very hygienic. They have the habit of: bathing daily, always keeping their hands clean, using deodorant and perfume since smelling good for them is part of their appearance. Mexicans tend to eat very spicy, they usually add sauce to all their meals. If you are not used to spicy food, it is better to start with a little. Mexicans are very funny and joking. They joke all the time, no matter the situation or the moment. Don't be surprised if they play a little prank on you. Mexicans are a little unpunctual. They usually arrive about 5-15 minutes after the quoted time, so be prepared to wait a bit. 13